The Iditarod started in 1973 as a way to see who the best sled dog mushers were. Today, it has turned into a prestigious competition and a way to honor sled dog culture. The race is an important financial event since it brings a lot of attention, money, and tourists to Alaska. Even so, it is run totally by volunteers. All in all, it is easy to see how the Iditarod got its nickname as the Last Great Race on Earth.
unpredictable a. 無法預測的
Natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis are still relatively unpredictable.
prestigious a. 有名聲的,有威望的
Students from around the world strive to get into that prestigious university.
All in all, 主詞 + 動詞 總而言之,……
All in all, our participation in the trade show was positive and beneficial.
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