2013年2月22日 星期五

Cycling Superhighway

Every day, 35 percent of Copenhagen's residents travel to work, school, or shops by bicycle. They cycle a combined distance of over a million kilometers per day, which equals 25 trips around the Earth. Copenhagen expects the volume of cyclists to reach over 50 percent of the population soon. Cycling is a healthy and environmentally friendly type of transportation. Plus, it is cheaper and usually faster than taking public transportation. Wherever you go, more and more people are choosing cycling.
When a large number of people started cycling in Copenhagen, it caused problems at first. They solved it by building a cycling superhighway designed after highways for motor vehicles. This made cycling much easier and safer. Perhaps all large cities will follow Copenhagen's example and build cycling superhighways for their bike-loving citizens one day.



cycle (vi.) 騎自行車
Many people in Taiwan cycle on the weekends to stay fit.
volume (n.) 總量,量
cyclist (n.) 自行車騎士


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