2013年2月22日 星期五

Touring with Others

Lucy and Nick are getting some pointers about India from their tour guide, Ted.
L: Lucy  N: Nick  T: Ted
T: I need to make all of you aware of a few things before we start exploring this part of India.
N: That sounds serious. Will we end up in jail because of them?
T: No, but you may seriously offend someone.
L: I don't think any of us want to do that.
T: First, don't give or accept anything with your left hand.
L: Why not?
T: It's considered dirty and rude. Next, for all you married couples, please do not hug, hold hands, or kiss in public.
N: Really? What's wrong with showing my wife some affection?
T: In this culture, men only socialize with men, and men should never touch women in public.
L: I guess we'll have to keep our hands in our pockets, honey.


泰 德:在我們開始在印度的這一帶探險之前,我需要你們注意幾件事情。
尼 克:聽起來挺嚴重的。我們會因此到最後要坐牢嗎?
泰 德:是不會,但你們可能會嚴重冒犯到某人。
露 西:我認為我們沒有人會想那樣做。
泰 德:首先,不要用你們的左手來傳遞或接下任何東西。
露 西:為什麼不行?
泰 德:那樣做被視為是骯髒又無禮的。接下來,請各位已婚夫婦不要在公共場所擁抱、牽手或親吻。
尼 克:真的嗎?向老婆展現我的愛意有什麼不對?
泰 德:在印度文化裡,男性只會和男性交際,而且男人絕對不能在大庭廣眾下碰觸女性。
露 西:我想我們只得乖乖把雙手插在口袋裡了,親愛的。

end up + 介詞片語/現在分詞  結果/到頭來……
Betty started out cleaning the room, but then she ended up playing with the stuff she found.
rude (a.) 無禮的;粗魯的


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