2013年2月21日 星期四

Fighting the Fat 打擊肥胖

The reasons for the increased cases of childhood obesity are easy to see. What is hard to know is how to prevent it from the very beginning. Parents play a huge role in their children’s diets. Making smart and healthy choices from the start of their children’s lives is crucial. Schools also play important roles since children spend a lot of time and consume several meals there every day. Environments that stress healthy eating habits and daily exercise teach big lessons.
One method to keep kids active and healthy has gotten a lot of attention lately. With a small monitoring device called the Zamzee, the program uses the addictive nature of online gaming and turns it into a real-life challenge. The game allows users to compare their activities and points with other players. Competition keeps them achieving more just as much as the point rewards do. No matter what, the goal of every weight loss program should be to teach children how to make living healthy lives fun and positive.



◎play a + 形容詞 + role 扮演……的角色
.The Internet plays a key role in the lives of people the world over.
◎addictive a. 令人沉溺的,使人成癮的
.Smoking is highly addictive, so I don’t recommend trying it.
◎reward n. 獎賞;報償



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