2013年3月5日 星期二

Attracting Customers at a Trade Show

Kevin is attending a trade show as an exhibitor. He is speaking to a woman who has just stopped by his booth.
K: Kevin  W: Woman
K: Hello. How are you today?
W: Fine, thank you.
K: Is there anything in particular that you’re looking for?
W: I’m in the market for a new case for my tablet computer. I see you have a lot of different types to choose from.
K: Yes, we have a wide variety available. What is the make and model of your tablet?
W: It’s an Apple iPad 2.
K: This case here is made to fit an iPad 2. It comes in five different colors.
W: I think I like the purple one the best. How much is it?
K: It’s on sale for NT$950.
W: Great. I’ll take it.


凱 文:嗨。您今天好嗎?
女 士:還不錯,謝謝您。
凱 文:您有特別想找什麼東西嗎?
女 士:我想為我的平板電腦買一個新的保護套。我看到您這邊有很多不同款式可供選擇。
凱 文:是的,我們有許多種類。您的平板電腦是哪個牌子、什麼型號?
女 士:我的是蘋果iPad 2。
凱 文:這邊的這個保護套是為iPad 2量身打造。它總共有五種不同顏色。
女 士:我想我最喜歡紫色的。請問多少錢?
凱 文:它在特價中,只要新台幣九百五十元。
女 士:太好了。幫我包起來。

model (n.)(商品的)樣式,款式
come in...  (貨品)有……(顏色、大小、尺寸等)
The shoe you are trying on comes in black, green, and blue.


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