2013年3月12日 星期二

Books on the Move

Taipei residents can now borrow books on the go. In December 2012, a fleet of 62 buses on routes 1, R32, and 205 started running as part of the city's public bus library. However, it is not stopping there because the government plans on expanding its movable library. The goal is to place bookshelves on more buses, in MRT stations, on MRT trains, and at locations around public transportation sites. All this is being done to encourage reading. Since the program's launch, the books, most of which have been donated, have been borrowed over 10,000 times. Now you can hit the road and the books at the same time.



●on the go/move 移動中,行動中
Today's smartphones enable you to access all kinds of information while on the move.
●fleet n.車隊
●expand vt.擴展;增加
The boss decided to expand his services into the Asian market.
●movable a.可移動的
●encourage vt.鼓勵
My parents have always encouraged me to follow my heart and do the things that interest me.
●launch n.(計劃、活動的)開始


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