2013年3月6日 星期三

One Woman’s Brutal Death Sparks Anger across India

On the eve of December 16, 2012, a 23-year-old college student named Jyoti Singh had just finished watching a movie with a male friend of hers in Delhi, India. Since it was late and they needed to get home, they hopped on what they thought was a regular commuter bus. Sadly, they were wrong because that fateful ride led to the brutal rape of Singh by six attackers.
Both Singh and her friend, who was also physically beaten, were thrown out of the bus and left to die on the side of the road. Singh’s injuries were so severe that she died in a hospital 13 days later. This event has since sent shock waves and resulted in protests about the mistreatment of women in India throughout the country and around the world.



spark [ spark ] vt. 引發
The professor’s words sparked Tony’s interest in space travel.
hop on...  登上……(飛機、公車、火車等大型交通工具,等於 get on)
We hopped on the ferry that would take us from Tamshui to Bali.
fateful [ `fetfJl ] a.(對未來發展)有負面影響的,災難性的
physically [ `fIzIklI ] adv. 身體上
severe [ sJ`vIr ] a. 嚴重的;嚴酷的
The damage to Bill’s house was so severe that there was no saving it.
shock wave [ `Sak :wev ] n.(壞事所造成的)震盪(常用複數)
mistreatment [ mIs`trimJnt ] n. 虐待



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