2013年3月12日 星期二

House Hunting

Debbie got a job offer in Taipei that she couldn’t pass up, so she decided to move there. However, she had no idea that finding a place in Taipei would be a tough task. After checking in at a hotel, she started searching online for available apartments. She finally saw one that looked pretty decent and was right in the city center. To her surprise, the rent was quite affordable, so Debbie dialed the landlord’s number and made an appointment to see it that evening. To get to the apartment, Debbie had to walk through dark alleys with homeless people lying around. When she got there, she was very disappointed because it was very old and smelly and the furniture was falling apart. It looked nothing like its pictures on the Internet. Debbie might have found her dream job, but she definitely didn’t find her dream home.



pass up.../pass...up  錯過/放棄……
check in  辦理入住/登機手續
affordable [ J`fOrdJbL ] a. 負擔得起的;買得起的
College students love instant noodles because they are very affordable.
disappointed [ :dIsJ`pOIntId ] a. 失望的,沮喪的



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